2015 MTT Profit

2015 MTT Profit
Click the Graph for a Month-to-Month Breakdown of Data

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

4th in DD A

On the last day of January I got 4th in the FT 3r for $800ish (First was 2.6K, sigh). My 4th in the DD A tonight was almost identical to that. It paid like $750 for 4th (First was 2.3K, sigh again) and I busted in 4th losing another damn coin flip.

I lost a CL pot when I opened my 1010 utg and the CL in the SB shoved. I couldn't get my money in fast enough as he showed AQhh. The flop came down AAQ as if to laugh in my face and say "you ain't neva gonna win no tourney boy!"

Anyway, the $750 def helps. It puts my roll just a touch under 4K. I'm not going to make any dramatic changes to my current sched. I might add in the $22 6max on UB @ 23:00. I could prbly move up a little but I'm plenty comfortable where I'm at right now. I have 275 buyins in my roll and I'm thinking this year I'm gonna change up the old 200 buyin rule and try to aim for 250+.

I mean, there's just no question that the game has gotten tougher and it will continue to. The edges are getting smaller and it seems like the average player understands correct push/fold strategy late in tourneys (which creates higher variance). With that in mind, I feel like aiming for 250+ buyins makes a lot of sense.

Well I'm proud to say that after the first thirty-eight days of this year I'm finally enjoying my first day in the black ha. I really didn't expect that after about 600 MTTs my profit would only be $109 bucks but that's the name of game. Here's hoping my next 600 games are a lot different...

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