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2015 MTT Profit
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Black Friday

The day has finally come. Since 2006 when the UIGEA was passed and my tiny poker world flashed before my eyes I always knew this day would come.

It appears to be over folks. If you live in the US Pokerstars is gone and Full Tilt will shut its doors in the next 36 hours or so. They will likely never return in the capacity we knew them, or ever.

One thing I need to stress is for no one to blame the US Dept. of Justice. They did their job and enforced the laws as they are on the books. Clearly the masses are not against playing poker online. Please reserve your anger for those forces within our society who would seek the passage of legislation effectively forcing their way of life on everyone.

Social conservatives (religious and "family-oriented" groups) in this country focused their energy in 2006 to see to it the UIGEA was passed. And the UIGEA is why the events of this day took place. We should seek to ensure there is ALWAYS a voice on the other end to defend against the strong voices of those who would tell us how we can or should live our lives.

What does the future hold? I don't know. It is more than likely sensible regulation of online poker will be passed and US-based sites will be up and running within the next year or two. But it will never be the same. We will always think back fondly on "the good 'ol days".

As for me I am not sure. While this day is a shock to me it isn't exactly unexpected. Sadly I don't have the savings I would like to have and it's unclear at this point when I'll be able to get my online funds returned. This is a pretty dark day for me as I've basically devoted the last six or so years of my life to studying and honing my skills in this game.

As of right now I'm unemployed and basically looking for work. I may return to college now and take it more seriously than before. Poker is certainly not out of my life but I doubt it will ever occupy my day-to-day functioning as it has for so long now.

So for now I say goodbye my friends. For those who have been reading this blog diligently through all my moaning and complaining I tip my hat to you and thank you. I may come back and post updates on what's going on with me or with online poker. I do enjoy writing.

Good luck out there and please remember what I said about always making your voice heard even if you think it won't matter or there is no point. Because if you don't speak up and say how you feel then someone else will... and you may not like what they have to say.


Edit: Please let your voice be heard and join The Poker Player's Alliance here. They have ways for you to spend just 60 seconds and send emails to The White House, Congressmen/Senators, and State Representatives. We only win this fight when we the people make our voices loud enough so MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD.

Edit: Today, Monday, April 18th, The PPA released new emails to be sent to the Attorney General, President Obama, and members of Congress and the Senate. These new letters call for the immediate return of player funds and continue to demand that sensible poker legislation be passed. Please take a few moments and read the letters and send them off.


Ron said...

such a horrible day man and happened instantly overnight..was a blast playing with ya over the last few years and gl with that you decide to do.

Parky 32 said...

I really feel for all you guys over there in the U.S.Lets hope it's sorted out.
Love this blog Adam-I hope very soon you'll be able to write that you're back at the tables.
All the best mate.

Keith said...

Excellent post. You bring up a great point about where to place the blame for this. The DOJ isn't responsible for creating this problem and we shouldn't waste our mental energy complaining about it. We have to do something. Send letters, speak the truth to people you know. Let's not stand by and just let it happen.

I've followed your blog for quite some time now and I wish you the best in your future goals.

Anonymous said...

Just supporting the previous comments. So far Australia is untouched, but I'll miss having Americans at the tables. Also, you mentioned going to the UK a while back....is there any chance you can transfer your bankroll to someone you know well and trust over there? Might be a way of getting your funds back. Good luck.
Richard OZ perspectivism451@gmail.com

adamsapple19 said...

Thanks a ton for the support guys. We're all in the same boat together, American or not. Some of us lost our entire ability to play and some of us lost a massive chunk of the player pool. The best thing Americans can do right now is make our voices as loud as possible and put serious pressure on lawmakers.

As to the comment about sending my BR to someone I trust overseas: that would be a risk I would not be willing to take, even if I thought it was a possibility. I am confident my funds will be returned to me even if it takes six months to a year.

Boo said...

Wow.. just found out about this today.. really sad ;'(

You were a great inspiration to me (the time I used to play) & it was always fun to rail you ...lol
And I'll never forget those times, when you were so close to hitting your big score, but the cards didn't fall your way..

I really enjoyed playing with you Americans.. friendly, talkative, discussing hands, joking etc..

Anyways, wish you best of luck..

P.s.. You could always move to Europe and pursue your dream ;))