2015 MTT Profit

2015 MTT Profit
Click the Graph for a Month-to-Month Breakdown of Data

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

May Recap

I put in some good volume (by my standards) in May and had a pretty solid month. Even though it started out like complete shit it rapidly turned around (as is the nature of MTTs).

I played 304 MTTs in May with a total profit of $6,323.36

Average buyin = $42.68
Average Profit/Game = $20.80

As a whole, I've been very consistent this year so far with my playing/volume. As I've said before, this is the most important thing for me. Simply just getting in there and playing and then the results come.

I hope to carry on my consistency into June and throughout the rest of the year.

gl out there readers.

edit: I've added a Month-by-Month chart to my blog showing the breakdown of each month's data for this year. Click the graph at the top of the page to see it. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam good luck and keep up the good work. I know you will get there. ;) by Yeahdoit.