2015 MTT Profit

2015 MTT Profit
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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Oh The Irony

I put off making the dreaded 'downswing' post until yesterday because I was waiting until I hit something to update my blog.

Obviously I hit something the next day ha...

I chopped the 20r heads up for 2.9k then went on to ICM chop the 20K for 3.4K.

Earlier in the night I also got 2nd in a non-guarantee $10 tourney for $360 and 4th in a non-guarantee $5c for like $260.

I feel like it's important and very interesting to note that I was down to less than HALF AN ANTE in the $5c with 22 players left.

My A10o lost to A8o aipf when the board came xxxx8. I was left with 126 chips with blinds at 600/1200 and antes at 300. Somehow I won my next several all-in hands in a row before picking up AA and doubling to like three blinds lol. I then got my chips in w/56ss in a multi-way pot and snapped off QQ to have something like 12 blinds. The entire experience was unreal and I went on to finish 4th.

It just goes to show that you really truly never know.

So tonight's four FTs for 7kish in cashes obv erases my ridiculous downswing and puts me back on the right track.


Anonymous said...

Keep it up.
Enjoy your blog.

Jeremy said...

Nice job man! Just goes to show how fast a downswing can turn around.

Anonymous said...

First off congrats man. I know how good it feels to break a downswing - and coming back from nothing to win $$$, there is nothing better...

Just a thought, I knew you were on a downswing (Sscope graph) so I kept checking your blog to see how you were feeling, what was going on in your mind- how you felt you were playing etc etc etc - but you stopped posting!
I think its important to share your ups and downs on this blog - not just blog every time you score and pause when things are going bad...not that I enjoy reading when you are down swinging but it happens to everyone and I think we can learn from eachother in our good AND bad times...and at least we can post comments to cheer you back up :-)

- CK

sledge13 said...

Very nice!!!

Wp and good luck...reckon your going to have a very good year!

PokerBunny said...

Hi. First off, Congrats!
I just randomly stumbled on your blog; you can thank google. :)
I wish I had found it sooner, it sounds like something I could learn a lot from. I play on fulltiltpoker. I am doing a sng challenge myself, but only Heads up sngs. So I am going to go back and read some more posts in my free time and hopefully get some good advice. You seem really cool. ANd wow at 17k!! You must be a great player too. WIsh you a lot of luck. Excited for future posts.

Anonymous said...

Do you coach? Would you be interested in working with someone to help them imporve their game? Thanks gl

adamsapple19 said...

Hey thanks for all the support guys it really means a lot to me :)

Sorry I don't currently do any coaching but it's not out of the realm of possibility in the future.