The last two times I was in this position I hit two ugly, long-lasting downswings (the second of which being particularly nasty). Third times the charm...? Ha. Well, without question I will be done with Phase One this week sometime. I'll put in 200+ games per day if I have to. I'm definitely starting to get tired of grinding these baby SNGs like a mindless zombie. I swear to God I can see tables flashing in my head at night while I sleep. I'm hungry to start putting in some nice MTT action again.
Speaking of MTTs I had a deep run in the Sunday Mulligan on Full Tilt today. I busted in 64th I think on a ridic hand. I just got moved to the table about five hands earlier with 40K in chips (800/1600) and opened 1010 on the button. Immediately the assclown in the SB overships 70K in chips. I snap and he shows exactly the kind of crap I figured, A8o. The previous hand when he was in the BB the button opened and he unnecessarily overshoved Q9o and got snapped by AKo and hit a 99Kxx board. So I knew this clown had no clue how to play postflop and was just shovehappy in the blinds. Anyway the board came 2459A obv and I'm busto instead of doubling to about 90K in chips and being in excellent position for a final table run. Whatever. This clown went on to finish 6th (blowing a huge FT CL lol ha) for a little over 10K.
My big Sunday score will come I know it. And its gonna happen this year. I guess I'm so excited about this project because it gives me something to focus on and look forward to while I'm waiting in the wings for a big score. I feel like I've proven my midstakes mettle and since Sundays only come once a week I can work on the Stars project most of the rest of the time.
I guess I'm the kind of person who needs a lot of structure in their life. I feel like I always have to be doing something meaningful or productive. This Stars Project is just the type of thing I can really sink my teeth into.
Anyway ramble over. Look for lots more posts this week as I wrap up Phase One on the Stars Project and dive head-first into Phase Two!
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