Played the 3r, 27.50, 55 6max, 20r, 162, 55, 10r, 55 6max, and 77 6max. I would like to play the $109 2x chance every night but some nights its a turbo and some nights its not. Tonight it was a turbo and that's no good. The 77 6max is also a turbo but I played it anyway. I don't remember those two tourneys being turbos so often... I don't like that at all. If I wanted to play turbos I'd play SNGs only. Get your shit together Stars and stop making so many MTTs turbos.
I cashed the $162 Nightly $100K and finished somewhere around 40th. I had a great stack post-bubble and was playing great. Its a tough world though in NLHE tourneys these days with ppl being so aggro. I opened in LP w/77 and some aggro moron shoves outta the BB with Q10o. I make the good call and he makes a straight. You gotta be so so so careful these days with ppl three betting so crazy. Anyway I went card dead and shoved A2o in LP and ran into A10o. GG me. Oh well. That elusive 20K+ score evades me yet again.
Luckily I was getting deep in the second $55 6max of the night and ended up 3rd in that for just under $1K.

I ran my AKhh into 99 aipf and couldn't hit or else I woulda been a 2 to 1 CL going into HU. Oh well. I play to win.
Those $55 6max tourneys are awesome. So many weak players and I consistenly get deep in them. They only get like 115 to 160 players per night and first place is only worth about 1.8K in both of them but I'm making consistent and decent profit from them. Also its nice to be able to run MTTs w/o 1,000+ players.
Ok so the 180 mans were retarded again today. Its unreal how I'm running in those. Its getting so old. I ran pretty well in the 45 mans so that helped cancel out the ridiculousness of the 180s but I'm getting really impatient with them. I guess I just need to stay calm and collected.
Here's the daily SNG graph:

This is my 4th straight losing day in SNGs. The last three days have been just barely losing but its still been frustrating.
I guess since I'm running turbo 45 and 180 mans I'm gonna have to accept long periods of losing and/or breaking even with the occasional high-profit rush to balance things out. Thats not something I look forward to but the play is so awful in them I'd be a fool not to be grinding 'em.
Here is my 180 man graph since I started playing 'em last Monday the 8th:

I'm showing this ugly graph because when the 180 mans finally turn around it will be fun to show the good graph. Also its really motivational for me to see where I'm at and where I expect to be.
Also you might have noticed I made up a graph of the Bankroll Timeline and put it at the top of the blog. It shows the progression of the entire bankroll itself over time. I think its a fun little treat ha. Can you tell I'm addicted to graphs and numbers ha? Ya I'm just a big nerd at the end of the day.
Anyway I'll update that every few days or whenever there is a significant change in the bankroll.
Well thats it for today. Tomorrow rolls on with Day 64.
Gl out there!
1 comment:
Graphs and numbers? Big nerd? Reminds me of endless MTG games as kids.
Nobody will understand this comment unless they grew up with you. ;)
GL WILL get the big one.
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