Heres the graph:

I'm now just $580 away from completing Phase One. One good session could put me over the top or I could have to grind it out some more, who knows. I sure wish I could run like I did in my first 1200 games where 80% of my sessions were winners and most of those were big winners. The last 1300 games have been so swingy its been unreal. I never know what to expect from session to session anymore.
Btw you may notice the Sharkscope chart showing me with $12 more than I show on the right of the blog on the bankroll updater. I guess sharkscope must have missed one of my $12 45-man games. The accurate number will ALWAYS be on the right as that is my actual account balance.
Well back at it again tomorrow. Hopefully I can put a lid on Phase One in the next couple sessions and move up to Phase Two and MTTs.
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