For MTTs I played:
3r, 27.50, 55 6max, 162, 20r, 55, 10r, 55 6max, 109 2x chance, 27.50 turbo, and 77 6max. I cashed the 20r and the 77 6max was all. I finished 13th in the 20r. I was short stacked and shoved AQss only to run into 1010. Obv couldn't outdraw. I prbly would have at least made the FT if i had. Oh well.
So for MTTs I went 2/11 with one deep run. Meh.
I found myself getting very irritated with the 45 and 180 mans today. I've been running like shit in the 180 mans since I started playing them last week and it really got to me today. I know the variance is tremendous in them but I was having a difficult time keeping my cool.

This is my third straight day with a losing SNG session. The 45-mans have been going quite well and actually they are the only thing saving me from being way down in SNGs over the last three days. The 180 mans have yet to even begin to even out. I feel like I need to win ten of them in a row to make up for the crap I've been putting up with since I started playing them.
If there is one thing I can't stand when it comes to poker its having consecutive losing days. It really messes with my mind. I start to feel like I can't win and occasionally it has a small effect on my decision making. It can also really make me start to hate the game. If I'm losing over and over and over again I start to adopt an "I don't care" attitude. Obv thats -ev. I guess I was starting to feel that way with the SNGs today. I hope the 180 mans turn around soon.
Well that's about it. Back at it tomorrow.
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