It took me exactly five weeks from start to finish. I played an average of 35 SNGs per day with an average profit of $3 per game ($105 profit per day). I did this all while runing deep in two FTOPS events and missing the mini FTOPS Main Event Final Table by just two players (92K for first sigh).
Anyway I've thoroughly enjoyed 10-tabling these baby SNGs on Stars. I'm trying to figure out my next move for this Stars bankroll. I could easily stand continuing to do exactly what I've been doing. Its been a nice break (and far more exciting) from grinding boring scheduled MTTs and non-turbo 45-mans on Full Tilt all the time. But I'm not sure thats the best path financially. Maybe I should use the bankroll I've built to play scheduled MTTs on Stars. This would be more profitable in the long run. I can't make up my mind. What do you think? Feel free to answer in the poll at top.
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