I'm not happy with my bust hand. I had 22 BBs to start the hand and opened AQo UTG for 3x and was 3-betted by the guy to my direct left (who I thought was a little tilty). I should have folded here but I ended up 4-bet shoving cause I had been so card dead for so long and thought he was kinda tilty. Obv he snaps AKcc and holds. I think the fact that I was already six hours into the tourney (tired) and the fact I was like 62/75 or something I got impatient and shipped when I KNEW I should have stayed patient. Basically it comes down to the fact I wasn't ready for a twelve hour tourney and got impatient. I'm pretty upset with myself but I learned a huge lesson in this tourney for my next deep run in a massive tourney.
The Stars Project has been going well. I haven't been keeping up with my goal of playing fifty games per day but I have been playing consistently and the results have been good. On May 5th I played 30 games. On the 6th I played 18. On the 7th I played 31 and today I played 37 for a total of 116 SNGs since my last post. Heres my results since April 15th:

Looks like I'm pretty well on course to complete my goal by the end of May but who knows. If I hit a nasty downswing it could really set me back. So far I'm only running a 4% ROI in the $12 45-mans and its really driving me nuts. I feel like I should be killing these things and even Boku87 ran an 18% ROI in them while 30-tabling so I should be able to run at LEAST that while only 8-tabling. So I think with a little more time I'll get that 45-man ROI up there where it should be. More to come on this.
Sunday is a big FTOPS day for me as I'll be playing five events so hopefully something good happens there.
Gl folks!
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