Its not all been bad news however. I made Platinum Star for the first time ever. Pretty crazy considering I'm only earning five VPPs at a time all month long. Also I had a nice +$600 upswing in the last thirty games of my last session. Its unreal how it can take 300 games to lose $1200 bucks then only 30 games to get half of it back. Things have been so crazy and these turbos are so swingy I have no idea whats in store for my next couple hundred games. All I know is that I'm playing exceptionally well, I'm not tilting at all, and I just need a couple good rushes to hit the $4,500 profit mark giving me my $5,000 roll so I can finally move on to Phase Two of this project.
I wanted to start Phase Two on Monday, June 1st but unless I hit a sick rush tomorrow (not impossible) I don't think thats gonna happen. But for certain sometime this coming week I'll have my 5K roll ready to start my insane daily schedule of MTTs. Also I've decided to up the ante on the target goal and make this a "$500 into $25,000" Project.
I have a strong feeling it won't take me too long to complete this project. I've been really focused on this and if I can get through 900 consecutive losing games in a six day period and still be determined to carry on then there really isn't anything that can get me down.
Nerd Alert...
Off topic, recently NASA sent the final shuttle mission to the legendary Hubble Telescope to make one last set of repairs and upgrades. Hubble is already twenty years old and only has another five or so years left of usage. If you're not familiar with The Hubble Telescope you're not alone. Most people know very little about it or about anything in the Universe. I'm kind of a science nerd and the brilliant images Hubble has captured throughout the Universe amaze me. I'm gonna start sharing some of them on my blog.
Ever since man could look up at the night sky we've wondered whats out there. We've wondered why we're here and if we're alone. Only since Hubble has been capturing images of the Universe since the early 1990s have we been able to actually see whats out there. Billions and billions of humans have lived and died with only their imaginations to wonder whats beyond the reach of our planet, our solar system, and even our galaxy. We are the first generation of humans to have that privilage.
One night in the year 1054, Chinese and Arab astronomers noticed a massive bright light in the night sky. It stayed for years and years. They had no idea what it was but recorded the event in their journals. Modern scientists long suspected that what the ancient astronomers saw was a massive star far, far away that went supernova (exploded, basically). Hubble captured this image of the 1,000 year-old event still in progress:

This is no small astronomical event. Its diameter is eleven light years across (about 70 trillion miles round) and continues to expand out at a rate of about 930 miles per second. Its about 6,500 light years from Earth (an unmeasurable number of miles) and yet is so large that when the star first went supernova back in the year 1054 it was visible to naked human eyes here on Earth as a bright, white light in the night sky.
Its beauty is deceptive. Like most things in the Universe this is a violent event and the energy associated with it is far greater than humans could ever imagine.
When I think of things like this out in the Universe suddenly everything in my life seems less important and I feel centered and safe. Suddenly my downswing doesn't feel so harsh.
Anyway glglglglglglgllglgl out there!!