It felt pretty good. I am happy with how I handled the bad beats and ridiculous situations. I hope most days this month find me as emotionally smooth as I was today.
I didn't really bust early from anything and at my peak I had 12 MTTs on my monitors. I was at the FT of a small, $22 big ante tourney on stars during that time.
The FT was tough. When down to four players I was thinking "wow these guys are aggressive and smart". My edge wasn't huge but I won a couple flips and ended up taking it down for a whopping $462.

Besides a couple mincashes there wasn't anything else to really mention in MTTs.
I did play one $26/45 man on Full Tilt and got 2nd in it. I came into HU w/ a 2 to 1 CL but all the cards fell his way.
Ok so I guess after the first two days of October there is a decent enough amount of data to go ahead and do a sharkscope post.

Obv it's very early in the month but so far I'm very pleased with my ROIs. Tournament poker is all about ROI and BR management. As long as I stay focused and play every day as I have the first two days this month, my profit should be decent by the end of the month.
Speaking of the end of the month, I was thinking I would take 10% of my profit this month and give it to charity (or charities).
I've been thinking a lot lately about this and also about volunteering in my spare time. But charity and volunteer work is something I have never done before and am kinda clueless about.
I think it would be awesome if any readers of this blog threw out some good suggestions for a charity or any good advice about volunteering. Oh, and please don't say "you could always donate to me"... that joke is so lame imo.
If you're reading this blog then chances are your life is a shitload better than a lot of people's lives.
But seriously, if you have any experience volunteering or know of good charities, please let me know and give me details. Also, please tell me why its a good charity. You can leave this info here on the blog as a comment or email me,
Back at it tomorrow.
*edit* I also updated "The 25K Project" Results to reflect the first 171 Days
1 comment:
UNICEF is a good option to donate for a cause. I donate 10% from my job too every month.
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