Though you wouldn't know it by looking at my blog recently.
Actually I took a spontaneous trip to New York City last week after running horribly in poker the week before. It was like my 7th consecutive week of running like shit and I guess I couldn't take it anymore.
I went to the top of The Empire State Building, I saw the Ground Zero site and went to Liberty Island and inside the Statue of Liberty.
It was amazing.
The trip cost me a good bit of money but it was worth it. I feel more focused and centered than I did before.
I've been working hard on grinding my Full Tilt roll back up from the depths and its been tough. This has easily been the worst run of my poker career.
So right now I'm working on grinding my full tilt roll up by playing 45 mans and small/mid stakes MTTs and also running midstakes MTTs on Stars. The last two days I put in 10 to 14 hour sessions. Yesterday I got 5th in an early morning $5r on Stars for about $1,150. It was my first final table in forever and it felt terrific.
As far as the Stars Project goes its still running even though I haven't been updating it. I'm just going to use Sharkscope from now on to keep track of the bankroll and not keep any graphs or data of my own. I'll try to keep it updated more consistently from now on.
So stay tuned. I'm back from the dead again and gonna be putting in some hours and making some FTs.
wb- it's good to take a break. I've been running pretty lousy and just standing still- up a little down a little and its very frustrating. That has got to be tough taking that big a plunge but it gives me inspiration to hang in there. Here's hoping the good side of variance swings your way.
GOGO in the 20k!!!
x walks x
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