I was CL from about 20 players all the way down to HU. I was completely dominating. I took several bad beats while 3 handed and HU and had to settle for 2nd despite being a 2-1 CL going into HU play. My opponent was a complete fish and hit every miracle he needed. It was totally unreal. Oh well.
I feel like I can safely say I played my absolute best game in this tourney and did not make one mistake down the stretch.
Stars has been running this "Extended Registration" thing lately and I love it. They keep the tourney registration open for the entire first hour and its making a huge difference in the prize pools.
For example, the $55 6max tourney I got 2nd in tonight used to only get between 110 and 140 players every single night. But with the Extended Registration it picked up 311 entrants swelling the prize pool to more than double what it used to get.
If Stars for some crazy reason decides to stop this Extended Registration I'm gonna be super pissed.
Well thats really about it. I def ran better tonight than I have been and I feel like I'm finally excited again to finish this project.
Edit: I updated the Bankroll Timeline Graph at the top.
Well done. I look for your blog everyday. It keeps me focused and lets me know that I am not the only one that has about 4 super fish at each table I play at in every single trny.
MVP c'mon bro updates! Maybe even twice a day AM and PM and your day off too. What did u have for breakfast, what did u do to elevate your game today etc. You have a responsibility to the fellow readers. Stay focused! lol gl
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