So I FTd the $75 23K Guaranteed KO tourney last night and got 6th place after three consecutive unlucky hands landed me from 2nd in chips to out. I picked up a disappointing but satisfactory $1350 for that. Well tonight I found myself back at the FT of the same tourney coming in 2/9 in chips again but this time the result was different. I played aggressive and solid and after a brutal HU match with an amazing player (IntegraTypeR777) I took it down for almost $7,200. The brutal truth is that I got really lucky to win HU. He had a 4 to 1 CL and wasn't making ANY mistakes. Only the cards saved me. Thats how it goes sometimes.
Besides that tourney my night was a complete disaster. I played a bunch of 45-mans w/o a single cash and like eight other MTTs w/o a cash and a bunch of brutal bubble finishes to make it even more painful. By 2am, after the dust was all settled, I had only one tourney left and was looking at a -$850 session. I was upset to say the least. But I didn't tilt and kept my head on straight and that last tourney worked out.
This is two FTs and a win in back-to-back nights to start off the new year. I can't imagine a better start tbh. GL everyone!
nice job man way to stay focused!!
Good Work!....Keep it up!
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