I take my poker stats very seriously. Keeping excellent numbers is one thing that motivates me to excel. Starting now I will be tracking my Sharkscope SNG numbers here on my blog with occasional updates as I get 50 or so new results in. I'm playing just 45-mans at the moment and I only have 100 or so under my belt. I will display a screen shot of my 45-man SNG results, my overall SNG results, and my SNG graph. This will certainly help keep me motivated to play and continue to put up good numbers. Also I would love to make a sharkscope leaderboard at some point but its no secret thats not an easy feat. We'll see. Heres my first Sharkscope Update:

Hey mate, nice blog you have going here. Want to trade links with me?
Hit me up at eurekakid.com if you do.
hey man,
i'm also a FullTilt player who plays mid-stakes MTT as well. My biggest cash was 6th place in the Fulltilt 32K Garentee.
I'm working towards getting a first place like you!
We should keep in touch..
Do you have aim or msn?
Keep up the good work!
Andrew Ko
Andrew, email me: adamsapple1919@gmail.com
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